September 15th, 2006

Sept. 6th Team System chat transcript is now available

Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

Brian Keller mentioned that the transcript of the Sept. 6th chat is now available.

Team System “Chat” transcript now available

It looks like the the transcript from our September 6th “Chat” on MSDN is now available. It was great meeting everyone who could make it – we had nearly 150 people during the live session which is simply incredible! Team System has become very popular in a relatively short amount of time, which is of course thanks to our customers. So THANK YOU for believing in the product as much as we do!

For people who couldn’t attend the live chat session the transcript is a good way of catching up on common questions related to Team System. There will be another Team System chat on October 4th – get the full chat schedule here:

Aaron Hallberg represented Team Build in the chat.  Here are some of the issues that were discussed.  He sent these issues to rest of the team, and they’ll be part of the discussion on what goes into future releases.

  • People would like to be able to just have “all tests” in a solution get run, rather than having to specify a VSMDI file.  This is something that various folks have mentioned on the forums as well.
  • One chatter wanted a build machine to be able to communicate with multiple TFS instances. 
  • Brian fielded a question about distributed builds, queuing, etc.
  • We got another question on specifying property value overrides via the GUI when starting a build.
  • There was a question about building MSIs “natively”, rather than having to Exec devenv.exe, use third-party tasks, etc.
  • There was a question about querying for the existing build types, which currently can only be done through the version control OM and not through any build API.

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Buck Hodges
Director of Engineering

Director of Engineering, Azure DevOps