If you are in the Microsoft BizSpark program, you now have access to discounted TFS hosting from SaaS Made Easy. Paul Hacker, a VSTS MVP, posted the announcement on his blog earlier this week. He also provides some info on BizSpark, which is a fantastic program for startups.
BizSpark Hosted TFS
I would like to announce that SaaS Made Easy, LLC is now a network partner in the Microsoft BizSpark Program. What does that mean? It means that if you are in the BizSpark program you are going to be able to use our Hosted TFS service at a substantial discount. Please visit us to get more information on this awesome offer.
Microsoft BizSpark is a global program designed to help accelerate the success of entrepreneurs and early stage startups. In addition to a very generous software offer, BizSpark also provides professional support from Microsoft technical experts, as well as visibility on the BizSparkDB website.
What are the Requirements?
In order to register for the BizSpark program, your company must:Be privately held
Be in business for less than 3 years
Have less than $1 Million USD in revenue annually
Enrollment is free. Microsoft will assess each startup a USD $100 program offering fee due at end of participation in the Program.-paul
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