Showing results for IDE - Visual Basic Blog

Dec 13, 2008

Walkthrough: TDD Support with the Generate From Usage Feature in VS 2010 (Lisa Feigenbaum)

Lisa Feigenbaum
Lisa Feigenbaum

As part of the October VS 2010 CTP, we also shipped a set of walkthrough documents explaining how to use the product to experience the new features. The CTP was released as a Virtual PC image, and can be a pretty hefty download to undertake. So for those of you just interested to know what's there, reading the walkthroughs can be a good alternative...

Dec 11, 2008

VB 2008 Keyboard Shortcut Posters — Download your copy today! (Lisa Feigenbaum)

Lisa Feigenbaum
Lisa Feigenbaum

Some of you may be using the 2005 posters we released last year. There is now a 2008 version available as well! There aren't too many changes. We've actually tried to stay pretty consistent with the VB keybindings (going back to at least VB6), since we know there's nothing more frustrating than upgrading and finding the keystroke that used to take...

Dec 9, 2008

Did you know? You can unwind the call stack from exceptions (Bill Horst)


The ability to unwind the call stack from exceptions is one of the debugger features that was newly introduced in Visual Basic.NET 2005. When the debugger hits a first-chance exception, you can unwind the call stack in order to make code edits to fix the exception and continue debugging with the changes. The exception assistant UI will have an &ldq...

Dec 7, 2008

Did you know? There are many ways to insert a snippet into your code (Lisa Feigenbaum)

Lisa Feigenbaum
Lisa Feigenbaum

Code snippets were introduced in the Visual Basic 2005 release. They provide an easy way to learn how to do a particular coding task, or to re-use a piece of code in various parts of your application. Code snippets can be inserted in a variety of ways.  The method you choose will depend upon the situation.  When browsing for a code snippe...

Dec 5, 2008

Video: The Joy of Writing Code in Visual Studio 2010 (Karen Liu)

Lisa Feigenbaum
Lisa Feigenbaum

We've had a couple recent posts about the Code Focused development experience coming up in the Visual Studio 2010 IDE: Code Focus Announcements in the TechEd EMEA Keynote Code Focus Videos on Channel 9 Now for the ultimate coverage (a complete TechEd presentation on the subject), check out the following video by Karen Liu! http://www.microsof...

Dec 2, 2008

Code Focused Development in Visual Studio 2010 (Lisa Feigenbaum)

Lisa Feigenbaum
Lisa Feigenbaum

Do you spend a lot of your day in code? (Writing code, navigating code, modifying code, understanding code, testing code, debugging code, etc.) If so, then the Visual Studio 2010 IDE has got a lot in store for you! In this release we're focusing on optimizing for code-focused development, which covers each of these tasks. There are a number of new ...

Sep 22, 2008

Did you know? 300+ Visual Studio Tips & Tricks (Lisa Feigenbaum)

Lisa Feigenbaum
Lisa Feigenbaum

Did you know that Sara Ford just recently passed the 300 mark for her Visual Studio Tips & Tricks? Sara used to be a tester on the Visual Studio Core IDE team, and knows the IDE inside and out! I remember the first time I met Sara was 4 years ago when she was writing some automation and called to find out the expected behavi...

Sep 8, 2008

Channel9 Interview: Meet the VS "Development Experience" Team (Beth Massi)

Beth Massi
Beth Massi

Today I posted another Channel9 interview. This time I met with the team that brings us the "experience" of coding in Visual Studio, also sometimes referred to as the VS IDE Team. I ask them how their design process works, what the top requested features are for the code editors, how they work with the language teams as well as what their favorite ...

Sep 6, 2008

Visual Basic and CSharp IDEs Uncensored (Lisa Feigenbaum)

Lisa Feigenbaum
Lisa Feigenbaum

Interested in hearing about what the Visual Basic and CSharp program managers *really* think about the two IDEs? Come join Karen Liu and me as we chat about the goals, similarities and differences of the VB & C# IDEs. We also discuss our favorite features and where we think IDEs are going in the future. This talk was recorded at TechEd North Am...