Visual Studio Setup

Installation and containerization of the Visual Studio family of products

Rebuilding the Installer Cache

During some operations upgrades internally, a problem arose on some machines where a patch for the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 would fail to install. I was looped into the thread to diagnose the issue and found that the Windows Installer package and the patch package were both missing from the installer cache. Since a .msp file is just a ...

Why is My Feature Advertised?

If you're patching a feature or features of a Windows Installer package and see that a feature you know to be installed locally is now advertised, look for the following in your Windows Installer log:MSI (c) (B8:C0) [12:00:00:000]: SELMGR: ComponentId '{01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF}' is registered to feature 'FeatureA', but is not ...