Scripting Blog [archived]

Formerly known as the "Hey, Scripting Guy!" blog

Hey, Scripting Guy! Where Can I Find a List of All the Things I Can Do with Windows PowerShell and WMI?

 (image) Hey, Scripting Guy! Using the Get-Member cmdlet with Windows PowerShell is pretty cool, but the one thing I do not like is the way that Windows PowerShell hides stuff from me. When I look in MSDN for information about a WMI class, I see all of these methods listed. When I use the Get-Member  cmdlet, some of the methods are ...

Hey, Scripting Guy! Can Windows PowerShell Call WMI Methods?

  (image) Hey, Scripting Guy! I have seen a number of methods listed for WMI classes on MSDN, but when I try to use them in Windows PowerShell, they do not work. I am wondering what the secret is to making these things actually do something. I assume they are not really broken because I have VBScripts that I downloaded from the Script ...

Hey, Scripting Guy! How Do I Use WMI with Windows PowerShell to Return Information About Properties?

 (image) Hey Scripting Guy! I have been playing with WMI on Windows PowerShell, and I think the Get-WmiObject cmdlet is pretty cool. It makes it easy to query for information from computers on my network. But what if I want to actually do something? How do I do that? -- SH(image) Hello SH, Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson here. I ...

Hey, Scripting Guy! How Do I Use WMI with Windows PowerShell to Query More Than One Piece of Information?

(image) Hey,  Scripting Guy! I have been trying to get on the Windows PowerShell bandwagon as I feel it is essential to my career as a network administrator who works in the Windows world. At first, it seemed to be confusing, but now I am starting to get it. I am still stuck when it comes to working with Windows Management ...

Hey, Scripting Guy! Quick-Hits Friday: The Scripting Guys Respond to a Bunch of Questions (04/03/09)

Troubleshooting the Application of Two WMI Classes  (image) Hey, Scripting Guy! The examples produced from the "Scriptomatic Version 2.0 by The Microsoft Scripting Guys" for the entries Win32_ServiceSpecification and Win32_ServiceControl both return error 0x80041002 under Windows Server 2003. I can't find another WMI class that exposes ...