Showing results for shell.application - Scripting Blog [archived]

Aug 25, 2009

Hey, Scripting Guy! Can You Translate This VBScript to Windows PowerShell?


 Hey Scripting Guy! I am wondering about something. I was looking on the Script Center Script Gallery, and I came across a pretty cool script that lists items that are in the user's profile. It is in VBScript. Can you translate it to Windows PowerShell for me?-- AWHello AW, Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson here. It is early morning. I am list...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellscripting techniques
Sep 15, 2006

How Can I Tell if Any Internet Explorer Windows Are Open to a Particular Web Site?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I determine if I have any Internet Explorer windows open to a particular Web site?-- N Hey, N. Before we begin the Scripting Guys would like to state, for the record, that we have never tried to obtain each other’s phone records nor have we ever even considered listening in on each other’s phone conversations. This ha...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptdesktop management
Jun 6, 2006

How Can I Return the URLs Associated with My Internet Explorer Favorites?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I return the URLs associated with my Internet Explorer Favorites?-- DW Hey, DW. It’s time for annual performance reviews here at Microsoft, which means we Scripting Guys are supposed to be looking back and detailing all the many things we’ve done in the past year. Unfortunately, instead of finding things we did do it’...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptdesktop management
May 1, 2006

How Can I Determine the Size of All the Items Currently in the Recycle Bin?


Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I determine the size of all the items currently in the Recycle Bin?-- T D-L Hey, T D-L. You know, if we wanted to, the Scripting Guys could probably change our name to the Recycle Bin Guys; that’s because we get so many questions about scripting and the Recycle Bin. So why haven’t we changed our name? Well, for one th...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptdesktop management
Apr 27, 2006

How Can I Print Just the Text Area of an HTA?


Hey, Scripting Guy! I have an HTA where information gets written to a text area. How can I print just the information found in that text area?-- DS Hey, DS. We want you to level with us here: are the Scripting Guys dead? We ask that because we saw the movie The Sixth Sense a few years ago and we understand how this life/death thing works. If you...

Scripting Guy!scripting techniquesVBScript