Scripting Blog [archived]

Formerly known as the "Hey, Scripting Guy!" blog

How Can I Get a List of All My Windows Server 2003 Computers?

(image) Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I gather the names of all the computers in my domain that are running Windows Server 2003?-- AS(image) (image) (image) Hey, AS. When we choose questions to answer for this column, we try to take questions from different areas of scripting. That does two things for us: it keeps us from being the answers-...

How Can I Return a List of All My Computers Except Those in a Specified OU?

(image) Hey, Scripting Guy! I need to get back a list of all the computers in my domain, except for the computers which are in our Test Lab OU. How do I do that?-- AM(image) (image) (image) Hey, AM. This seems to be one of the hot new trends in the IT world: in the past two weeks we’ve gotten three similar emails, all involving ...

Why Doesn't My Search Return All My User Accounts?

(image) Hey, Scripting Guy! I’m trying to pull a list of all my users out of Active Directory. I’m using ADO to search for these users, but no matter what I do I can only get 1,000 user names, even though we probably have 10 times that many user accounts. What could I be doing wrong?-- MC, Athens, GA(image) (image) (image) Hey, MC. Boy, ...