Showing results for Remote Endpoint - Scripting Blog [archived]

Apr 3, 2014

PowerTip: Restore Default PSSession Endpoints

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to restore default PSSession endpoints.  How do I restore my default PSSession endpoints if I accidently unregistered them?  Use Enable-PSRemoting to automatically rebuild the remote endpoints on your system: Get-PSSessionConfiguration Enable-PSRemoting –Force #Now try it again Get-PSSessionConfiguration...

Windows PowerShellPowerTipguest blogger
Apr 3, 2014

Use Delegated Administration and Proxy Functions

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Boe Prox shows how to create a secure PSSession endpoint by using delegated administration and a proxy function.  Hey, Scripting Guy! There are some great things that I can do with a constrained Windows PowerShell endpoint. But I want to allow a user (who may not have the necessary rights) to run a query on a remote system. Is this po...

Windows PowerShellPowerTipBoe Prox
Apr 2, 2014

PowerTip: Test a PSSession Configuration File

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to test a PSSession configuration file.  How do I ensure that my PSSession configuration is valid?  Use the Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile cmdlet to see if the file is valid (True) or not (False). Test-PSSessionConfigurationFile –Path ConstrainedSession.pssc True

Windows PowerShellPowerTipBoe Prox