Showing results for local accounts and Windows NT 4.0 accounts - Scripting Blog [archived]

Feb 3, 2005

How Can I Determine Whether or Not a Group Has Any Members?

ScriptingGuy1 ScriptingGuy1

Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I check a computer and find out whether the Remote Desktop Users group has any members?-- ET Hey, ET. Somewhat surprisingly, ADSI doesn’t have any sort of NumberOfMembers property, a property that could tell you - at a glance - how many members are in a group. But that’s all right, because we can simply iterate ...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptother Directory Services
Dec 2, 2004

How Can I Prevent a Local User From Changing His or Her Password?

ScriptingGuy1 ScriptingGuy1

Hey, Scripting Guy! How can I configure a local user account so that the user can’t change his or her password?-- DC Hey, DC. The secret here lies in the mysterious userFlags attribute. We’ll show you how to set a user account so that the user can’t change his or her password, then we’ll fill you in on some of the other local user ...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptother Directory Services
Aug 5, 2004

How Can I Determine if a User is a Local Administrator?

ScriptingGuy1 ScriptingGuy1

Hey, Scripting Guy! Some of the things we do in our logon scripts require the user to be a local administrator. How can the script tell if the user is a local admin or not?-- GM, Denver, CO Hey, GM. The best way to do that is to check the membership of the local Administrator’s group and see if the user is in there. To do that, you need to ...

Scripting Guy!VBScriptother Directory Services
