Scripting Blog [archived]

Formerly known as the "Hey, Scripting Guy!" blog

PowerTip: Update a PowerShell module

Summary: Learn how to update an installed Windows PowerShell module. (image)  I used Install-Module to install a Windows PowerShell module, but how can I update it? (image)  Use the Update-Module cmdlet, for example: Here are a couple of other examples: find-module *ise-preview | Update-Module Update-Module *ise-preview (image...

Playing with PowerShell ISE Preview

Summary: This blog post explores the features and functionality of the newly released Windows PowerShell ISE Preview edition that runs on Windows PowerShell 5.0. After you install the Windows PowerShell ISE preview from the PowerShell Gallery and take a look at the modules and functions it provides, it is time to fire up the new ISE and play...