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Visual Studio 2022 17.10 and GitHub Copilot: Your Coding Partner for Faster and Smarter Development

Today, as we kick off the //BUILD 2024 conference, we're thrilled to share the general availability of Visual Studio 2022 17.10! This release features a new, single GitHub Copilot extension, marking a significant leap forward in AI-assisted development by embedding the power of advanced AI directly into strategic parts of your Integrated ...

Boost dev team agility with customized, project-specific templates in Azure Deployment Environments

Have you heard the latest news about Azure Deployment Environments? Last month, we released an extensibility model that’s set to transform how platform engineers tailor deployments to their organization’s unique needs. This new model empowers you to customize deployments using any infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) framework you prefer—whether...

Cross-region replication in vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB

(image) A modern managed database service such as Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB has a growing list of requirements in today’s world. Prompt recovery of the database availability when its region becomes unavailable is one of such critical functions. When a region is experiencing outage, there’re two primary methods for restoring access...

General Availability: Computed Properties in Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL

We’re thrilled to share that Computed Properties have now hit General Availability in Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL! Computed properties are a Cosmos DB developer’s dream come true! They allow you to write your query logic just once and then reuse it across multiple queries, saving you time and effort in your database operations. Computed ...

What’s New in vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB

We are excited to share some significant enhancements and new features in our vCore-based Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB. keeping with our commitment to continually improve Azure Cosmos DB. Let’s dive into the details: We are excited to share that we will soon be expanding our support for MongoDB to include Version 7.0! While we ...

Simplifying your Azure Cosmos DB migration: From Serverless to Provisioned throughput (preview)

Azure Cosmos DB offers a range of options to fit the diverse needs of cloud applications, including the choice between serverless and provisioned throughput accounts. The serverless option is ideal for workloads with unpredictable patterns, but there are instances when transitioning to a provisioned throughput account is advantageous for ...

Announcing the stable release of the Azure Cosmos DB client library for Go

We're excited to announce the stable release of the Azure Cosmos DB client library for Go, a native Go library that enables you to interact with Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL accounts from your Go applications. The Azure Cosmos DB client library for Go provides an idiomatic API for you to perform operations on databases, containers, and items. ...

Announcing General Availability of Azure Cosmos DB Integration with Vercel 

We're thrilled to announce the general availability of the Vercel and Azure Cosmos DB integration! This powerful combination empowers developers to easily build dynamic, scalable applications by leveraging the strengths of both platforms.    (image) Key Features of the Integration  With the Vercel and Azure Cosmos DB ...