Judy Meyer
Judy Meyer wanted to be a doctor. Computers and technology were never in the plans. Judy remembers her mom, who is a mathematician, attempting to lure her into dabbling in computer science when she was growing up. She wasn’t having it. Judy stayed the course and went to college determined to pursue a career in medicine.
During undergraduate, Judy started studying to be a biomedical engineer. She felt it was a great field as her base, before heading into medical school. But as she began to learn more about biomed, she became more interested in electrical engineering and computer science. She was fascinated there was so much she could do by simply writing code. By the end of her undergrad studies, she began specializing in databases, captivated by all there was to learn about data mining.
Judy became obsessed with data mining, which was instrumental in Judy eventually landing at Microsoft. When she initially started with data, (think pre-social media days) she found herself wondering what would become of all this data. She really enjoyed being able to look at data and come up with logical conclusions.
Today, Judy leads the Engineering teams for Automotive, Mobility and Transportation industry across software engineering and technical program management disciplines. Judy learns from the wide spectrum of customers and partners that play in this industry by harvesting insights from data that have lived within each of these organizations for decades. Insights from such data paired with industry demands help Judy and her team work with customers to help transform them into a software-led organization that can adapt quickly to trends like autonomous driving, software defined vehicles etc. With a high appetite for digital transformation across the industry, she is constantly in learning mode, and she sees the opportunities for growth for her team in their skills and knowledge.
Judy looks back and appreciates her mom’s foresight into how she can be impactful with her career. Outside of work, Judy loves spending time with her husband and two boys filled with activities like swimming, soccer, playgrounds and anything that sounds fun. Her family loves watching Domino Masters (and transforming the house) & solving escape rooms.