Greta Jocyte
Greta is passionate about inspiring young girls to think about a career in tech. She recently hosted her first DigiGirlz in Switzerland where she lives, to help a younger generation see their potential future in technology. Greta says she could have easily missed out were it not for her parents’ decision to move her family from the United States to Ireland. This seismic shift meant college was financially attainable for all four of their children.
Lithuanian born; Greta recalls her siblings fighting with each other over computer games. Each one pushing to try their hand at a round. She loved it, and this made her eager to learn more about computers.
Greta studied business information systems which coupled coding with business subjects like project management, legal, entrepreneurship, finance, and marketing. After college, she landed her first role at IBM. Greta was quick to recognize she was an introvert and spent time researching how she could step out of her comfort zone. She read books on leadership and emotional intelligence to help her gather the courage to evolve as a professional.
Greta ascended her way to management within a few short years. It wasn’t easy. When she applied for a manager role, she was told the interview loop would be good for her to experience, but not to get her hopes up. She had a great interview and was offered the position of managing a group of 14 people. Her team trusted her because of the relationships she built and her deep understanding of the business.
When Greta isn’t at her desk, she loves finding new trails to explore in Switzerland. She’s also spent many years as an amateur photographer. From photos of her pup to landscape pictures, she really enjoys seeing the world from behind the lens. She’s become someone asked to photograph big moments in her friends’ lives, including commemorating a 60th birthday party.
She loves being a part of the CSE team because of the balance she is able to achieve between working on complex tech projects, continuing her work to inspire the younger generation and still have time for her own personal passions.