March 21st, 2014

Step by Step walk through of getting Application Insights Up and running

I am continually amazed the lengths that our MVPS go out of their way to help the community. At the last MVP summit one of the System Center MVPs, Kevin Greene, heard from his peers that there wasn’t a great walk through for getting stared with Application Insights.  Rather than waiting for us he rolled up his sleeves and did his own!…Great job and a HUGE thank you Kevin!

If you are getting started with Application Insights i highly recommend taking a look at his series….



Kevin asked me to look for any issues and the only thing i found is the fact the next version of the Visual Studio Tools for Application Insights will add the JS block in for you.  If you demo Application Insights to user groups etc the only other thing i would add is the new cloud based load test is a great way of getting those huge spikes he has in his graphs

Again Great Job Kevin!



Based in Kildare, Ireland, I’m working in the IT and communications sectors for 14 years now. I really enjoy the fact that we are in a constantly evolving industry that requires us to upskill as much as we can and one that provides us with new products and solutions each year to make the job all the more interesting and ever changing! I’m also co-author of the ‘Mastering System Center 2012 – Operations Manager’ book and lead author on the recently released ‘Mastering Windows Server 2012 R2’ book both published by Wiley/Sybex.

Kevin Greene

Microsoft MVP

System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management

Ergo IT Infrastructure



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