Angel Wong

Product Manager, Azure DevOps

Senior Product Manager, Azure DevOps

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Personal Access Token Lifecycle APIs now publicly available

Since releasing our Personal Access Token (PAT) Lifecycle Management APIs in private preview last month, we’ve received overwhelming interest from folks who are looking for a more robust alternative to the existing UI for creating and managing their PATs. We are happy to announce that these APIs are now available to the general audience.

Billing and Token Management events now available in Auditing

We’re happy to announce two new event types are now available in the auditing logs: (1) Billing setup and management events, and (2) Personal Access Tokens (PATs) and SSH Keys management events.

New Personal Access Token Lifecycle APIs in private preview

We’re happy to announce the release of our new APIs to manage the lifecycle of Personal Access Tokens (PATs) on Azure DevOps, which allow your team to manage PATs they own, offering them new functionality, such as creating new PATs with a desired scope and duration, renewing existing PATs, or expiring existing PATs.