Showing results for 2021 - Azure Cosmos DB Blog

Dec 16, 2021

Async IO for the Python SDK is now in preview!

Gahl Levy
Gahl Levy

Async IO support for Azure Cosmos DB Python SDK, an important and much-anticipated capability, is now available in preview! Async IO is a concurrent programming method in Python that makes running CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations in parallel easy to do.

Python SDKAzure Cosmos DB for NoSQLAnnouncements
Dec 15, 2021

Reading data with Spring Data Azure Cosmos DB v3

Ravi Tella
Ravi Tella

Discover best practices to help improve the read performance of Spring applications when using the new Spring Data Azure Cosmos DB v3 for Core (SQL) API.

Java SDKAzure Cosmos DB for NoSQLTips and Tricks
Nov 10, 2021

Announcing: Glowroot support for Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API

Iria Osara
Iria Osara

We are excited to announce that Azure Cosmos DB now has GA support for Glowroot for its Cassandra API. This allows users of Azure Cosmos DB’s Cassandra API to get all the benefits of using Glowroot. While for Glowroot users an additional benefit of having fully managed Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API.

Azure Cosmos DB for Apache CassandraAnnouncements
Nov 9, 2021

Improve application performance with Java SDK v4 for Azure Cosmos DB

Ravi Tella
Ravi Tella

The Java SDK v4 for Azure Cosmos DB has many improvements and new APIs to help increase the performance of your applications. Discover how the new version helps improve application performance by reducing the number of network roundtrips and latency when using direct mode in the Java SDK v4.

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQLJava SDK
Nov 2, 2021

Optimize query performance with Azure Cosmos DB indexing metrics

Tim Sander
Tim Sander

You can now use the Azure Cosmos DB indexing metrics, now generally available, to optimize query performance! The indexing metrics show indexes that the query engine used and index recommendations for improving query performance.

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQLQuery
Nov 2, 2021

Better cost governance now available on Azure Cosmos DB

Thomas Weiss
Thomas Weiss

To help customers better manage and control their database operations budgets, a new provisioned throughput spending limit feature was announced at Microsoft Ignite and is now generally available.

Nov 2, 2021

Now Generally Available – Partial Document Update in Azure Cosmos DB

Abhishek Gupta Sajeetharan Sinnathurai

Check out the new partial document update feature for Azure Cosmos DB Core (SQL) API, announced at Microsoft Ignite. This feature makes it possible to use the Java, .NET, and Node.js SDKs to perform path-level updates to specific fields/properties in a single document without needing to perform a full document read-replace operation.

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQLAnnouncements
Oct 6, 2021

Use Indexes for blazing-fast queries on your API for MongoDB Data

Gahl Levy
Gahl Levy

What’s better than faster queries – how about an order of magnitude faster queries? That’s what indexes do in the API for MongoDB. Let’s dive into the three things that are most important for MongoDB developers to know about indexing when building their applications on the API for MongoDB.

Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB