Showing results for August 2019 - Windows Command Line

Aug 27, 2019

Windows Terminal Preview v0.4 Release

Kayla Cinnamon
Kayla Cinnamon

The time has come for another update to the Windows Terminal! Windows Terminal Preview v0.4 is now available in the Microsoft Store and on GitHub! And for those interested in more detail, please review the Terminal v0.4 release notes. Settings Updates Profiles.json is Now in LocalState The file has been moved from the folder to the folder....

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineWindows Console
Aug 14, 2019

Tips and Tricks for Linux development with WSL and Visual Studio Code

Craig Loewen
Craig Loewen

In an earlier blog post, An In Depth Tutorial on Linux development on Windows with WSL and Visual Studio Code, we showed you how to set up Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and Visual Studio Code for Linux development. In this post, we'll go into more detail and provide tips and tricks to further enhance Linux development on Windows. Remote - WSL ...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Aug 2, 2019

Windows Terminal Preview v0.3 Release

Kayla Cinnamon
Kayla Cinnamon

Windows Terminal Preview v0.3 has been published to the Microsoft Store! If you have previously installed the Terminal from the Store, you will receive this update automatically. If you've not yet installed Terminal from the Microsoft Store, now would be a great time because it contains some MAJOR improvements and updates! ⭐ If you are unable to ...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineWindows Console
Aug 2, 2019

The Azure Cloud Shell Connector in Windows Terminal

Pankaj Bhojwani
Pankaj Bhojwani

The Windows Terminal can now connect you to the Azure Cloud Shell! We have a new default profile - the Azure Cloud Shell, which will allow you to access your Azure directories/tenants through the Windows Terminal app itself. If you already have Windows Terminal installed Your settings will not automatically update with the new default profile ...

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineWindows Console