Showing results for May 2015 - Azure Government

May 21, 2015

Connecting to a Media Services account located in Azure Government

Shawn Weisfeld
Shawn Weisfeld

The full details of how to connect are listed in this MSDN article, however the connection information for Azure Government is a bit different then on the public cloud. Connecting a two-step process, first you setup your credential and then you create your context. To connect to Azure Gove...

Azure GovernmentMedia Services
May 18, 2015

Adding VM Depot Images to Azure Government

John Harvey (MSFT)
John Harvey (MSFT)

  Azure provides many mechanisms to get the virtual machine of choice loaded into your subscription. The Azure Government gallery includes numerous images from Barracuda, Bitnami, CloudLink, Microsoft, Oracle, and SUSE.  The full list is here.  It is also pretty straightforward to upload your own, or copy one from an existing su...

May 12, 2015

Using Azure File Storage with Azure Government

Shawn Weisfeld
Shawn Weisfeld

So you have looked at the docs and you would like to give Azure File Storage a try, but you are having trouble connecting it to Azure Government following the instructions posted on the public Azure site? Let me guess you are getting an error that says: “The Remote name could not be resolved...

Azure GovernmentAzure Files
May 11, 2015

Using In-Role Cache in Azure Government

Art Rask
Art Rask

When planning the deployment of a web application to Azure Government, it is important to consider the Azure services that are currently available in Azure Government and to select the platform components your application will use accordingly.  ASP.NET web applications are, of course, a common deployment scenario.  These applications, esp...

Azure GovernmentVisual StudioIDE