Showing results for April 2015 - Azure Government

Apr 28, 2015

Law Enforcement Information Confidentiality and Integrity on Microsoft Azure Government

Indy Crowley, Principle Program Manager
Indy Crowley, Principle Program Manager

A revolution in minimization, battery technology, sensors and sophisticated software is fundamentally changing law enforcement. Vast amounts of information enable the reconstruction of a crime scene millisecond-by-millisecond. Data from hundreds of sources can be now correlated, often many miles from the actual scene. This transformation has brough...

Azure Government
Apr 19, 2015

Using Event Hub and EventProcessorHost on Azure Government

Ryan McIntyre
Ryan McIntyre

(Cross-posted from There are few needs which apply to almost every industry when it comes to building software and solutions to meet the needs of that industry. Manufacturing, healthcare, industrial, education, home automation, military and public safety (to name a few) all have a need to collect data from hundreds/thous...

Azure GovernmentAzureVisual Studio
Apr 14, 2015

Configuring Azure Government Virtual Machine RDP file for USB mapping


When creating Virtual Machines (VMs) on Azure Government you may want to map your local drives ports so that new drives (such as USBs) can connect to your VM. You can do this by configuring your VMs RDP file to accept existing and/or no ports. To do this - first login to the Azure Government management portal ( and selec...

Azure GovernmentAzureVirtual Machines
Apr 1, 2015

Creating user accounts and configuring them as co-administrators


One of the first things to do on Azure Government, once you've been provisioned and logged in, is to begin giving access to the subscription to additional people on your development team. This is easy to do - but the question between "User Account" and "Administrator" often comes up. In the Cloud - the concepts of Identity and Compute (which is you...

Azure GovernmentAzureManagement Portal