Showing results for SQL Bindings - Azure SQL Devs’ Corner

Dec 16, 2024

Azure SQL ❤️ Python!

Davide Mauri
Davide Mauri

I recently presented at Python Day 2024 on Langchain integration. I created a slide deck that I believe can be useful beyond just the session, so I wanted to share it here for everyone's benefit. The deck covers the most common topics for a Python developer: The slide deck, which I created using the SDK, so t...

Azure SQLPythonSQL Bindings
May 15, 2023

Implement Change Data Streams with Azure SQL Database, Change Tracking, and Azure SQL Bindings

Brian Spendolini
Brian Spendolini

Building on my first Azure SQL Bindings blog post and taking inspiration from Drew Skwiers-Koballa's post on SQL Bindings, we are going to create a change data stream with Azure SQL Database. Now, usually, the first part of these blogs is a prerequisite section that goes over what you need to install locally to get started. From talking to many of ...

Azure SQLDevOps.NET
Feb 28, 2023

Getting Started with Azure SQL Bindings: Part 1

Brian Spendolini
Brian Spendolini

Expanding on the excellent post by Drew Skwiers-Koballa; Developing with Azure SQL bindings and Azure SQL trigger for Azure Functions, I'd like to take a chance to walk you through creating your first SQL Binding using a completely local development environment. Part 1 will cover creating a SQL Binding to get data from an Azure SQL Database. Parts ...

Azure SQLVisual Studio CodeAzure Functions