February 28th, 2023

Getting Started with Azure SQL Bindings: Part 1

Brian Spendolini
Senior Product Manager, Azure SQL Database

Image downloadExpanding on the excellent post by Drew Skwiers-Koballa; Developing with Azure SQL bindings and Azure SQL trigger for Azure Functions, I’d like to take a chance to walk you through creating your first SQL Binding using a completely local development environment. Part 1 will cover creating a SQL Binding to get data from an Azure SQL Database. Parts 2 and 3 will then cover inserts, updates, and deletes as well as calling stored procedures.


Prerequisites and Setup

Our local development environment will be using VS Code and Docker. If you don’t have either installed, you can get VS Code here and Docker Desktop here. You can also run through this post with either Windows or macOS. VS Code and Docker are available for both platforms so install both before proceeding.

The Azure Functions Core Tools are needed so that we can run Azure functions right on your computer, no cloud needed until you are ready to deploy. You can get the installer here.

.NET is also needed for our local development environment. This post will be using version 7 which can be downloaded here or is probably already installed if you have Visual Studio already installed. You can check the version by issuing a dotnet –version at a terminal prompt on your OS.

Image dotnet ver

While at the command prompt, run the following command to update SQL Projects with some new cool features:

dotnet new -i Microsoft.Build.Sql.Templates

Then create a directory called bindings101 for the project in the terminal window (mkdir bindings101). Once it’s created, enter the directory.

Image createBindingsDir

In the newly created directory, issue the following commands:

dotnet new sqlproj -n "bindingsProject" -tp "SqlAzureV12"
code .

Image createBindingsProject

Using code . in a directory instantly opens VS Code and pointing at the directory we were just in. There is also a database project ready to be used there.

Install VS Code Extensions

Before we start building the binding, there are some extensions that are needed. The first one is the MS SQL Extension. Using the VS Code extensions panel, search for ms sql. Click the install …

Image Screenshot 2023 02 27 064441


The next extension is the C# extension. Again, using the search, enter c# and install this extension.

Image Screenshot 2023 02 27 064453


Finally, search for the Azure Functions extension and install it.

Image functionsExt


Using Azure Functions Core Tools

With VS Code open, open a New Terminal using the Terminal Dropdown menu.

Image openTerminalVSCode

Our first SQl Binding is going to use .NET as the language. To initialize the project for a .NET binding, enter the following command in the VS Code terminal:

func init --worker-runtime dotnet

Looking at the file navigator, the func process added the necessary files to use Azure functions locally right here within VS Code!

Image funcinit

Using the terminal in VS Code again, we are going to add the extension needed for SQL Bindings. Run the following command:

dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Sql --prerelease

Create a Database and Table

On the left side of VS Code, click the Database Projects icon.

Image DBProjects

You can see the project that was created when you previously issued the command “new sqlproj”, ready to be used, here in Database Projects,

Right click on bindingsProject and select Add Table.

Image addTable

Name the table customers and then press enter.

Image tableName

Replace the code in the customers.sql file with the following:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[customers]
  [Name] NVARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
  [Address] NVARCHAR(300) NOT NULL,
  [State] NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,

Then save the file.
Image customersTable
Right click on the bindingsProject and select Publish.
Image PublishProject1
This will start the process of creating a MS SQL instance in a Docker container and deploying the table into that database for the local development environment. Ensure Docker Desktop is up and running before proceeding to the next section. A series of dialog boxes appear on the top of VS Code app to create the local database instance.
Select Publish to a new Azure Database emulator for the Select where to publish the project to dialog window:

Image deploy2

Use the default port number 1433 for the SQL Server port and press enter.

Image deploy3

Enter a password you want to use for the admin user (sa user) in this dialog box. Ensure the password is a complex password that includes letters, numbers, and special characters.

Image deploy4

Enter the same password again.

Image deploy5

The wizard is then going to ask you about what docker image to pull. If you are on windows on an x86/x64 based CPU, select the Full image. If you are on windows on ARM or an Apple Silicon Mac, select the Lite image.

Image deploy6

Now, accept the license agreement.

Image deploy7

And select the latest Default as the image tag

Image dbImages

Select Don’t use profile for the publish profile dialog box

Image deploy9

And finally, select bindingsProject as the database name we will create.

Image bindingsDB

When the database has started, and the project has been published,
Image publishProject
VS Code will also create a connection to the database. Open the Tables folder to see the customers table.
Image dbConnection1

Create an Input Binding

Press ‘F1’ in VS Code and search for Azure Functions: Create Function and select it.

Image azureCreateFunc


Choose HttpTrigger

Image httpTrigger1


Provide a function name. Use getCustomer

Image httpTrigger2


Enter a namespace. Use Customer.Function

Image httpTrigger3


Finally for Access Rights, use Anonymous.

Image httpTrigger4


In the file that opens in VS Code (named getCustomers.cs), replace the public static async Task<IActionResult> Run block

Image runBlock11

with the below code.

        public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "customer")] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log,
            [Sql("select * from dbo.customers",
            IEnumerable<Customer> customer)
            return new OkObjectResult(customer);

Image runBlock22

Save the file.

About the SQL Binding Structure

Providing code without an explanation is never good, so this next section will break down the following code:

           [Sql("select * from dbo.customers",

There are four parts to the Input Binding as represented in the table (from the documentation):

Attribute property Description
CommandText Required. The Transact-SQL query command or name of the stored procedure executed by the binding.
CommandType Required. A CommandType value, which is Text for a query and StoredProcedure for a stored procedure.
Parameters Optional. Zero or more parameter values passed to the command during execution as a single string. Must follow the format @param1=param1,@param2=param2. Neither the parameter name nor the parameter value can contain a comma (,) or an equals sign (=).
ConnectionStringSetting Required. The name of an app setting that contains the connection string for the database against which the query or stored procedure is being executed. This value isn’t the actual connection string and must instead resolve to an environment variable name.

And to expand it further:



Looking at the code in the getCustomers.cs file

           [Sql("select * from dbo.customers",

CommandText is the SQL query, CommandType defaults to CommandType.Text and not present in the call. There are no Parameters to pass in this example so it is not needed. And the last parameter, as indicated in the table is the connect string to the database. This will be entered later in this post and point to the local SQL Database we published the Database Project to. In parts 2 and 3, when Output and Trigger bindings used, more of these parameters will be passed to the binding.

Add a Class

While editing the getCustomers.cs file, add ‘using System.Collections.Generic;‘ to the namespaces list at the top of the page.

Image addSystem

Save the file.

Right click in the File Navigator under the project files and select New File.

Image newFile


Then, name the new file Customer.cs

Image nameFile

Paste the code below into the file. These are the column names of our database table.

Note that the casing of the Object field names and the table column names must match.

namespace Customer.Function

    { public class Customer {
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }
        public string State { get; set; }
        public string Phone { get; set; }

Save the file.

Using the File Navigator, click on the local.settings.json file.

Image localSettings

Add the following line in the top of the Values section and replace yourstrongpassword with the password you used when you created the database.

"SqlConnectionString": "Server=localhost,1433;Database=bindingsProject;User ID=sa;Password=yourstrongpassword;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Connection Timeout=30;",

Image connectString

While still in the local.settings.json file, set AzureWebJobsStorage to UseDevelopmentStorage=false

"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=false",
Save the file.


Try the Function

Navigate back to the getCustomers.cs file and pressF5‘ to run your code. This will start up the Functions Host with a local HTTP Trigger and SQL Input Binding. In the output section on the bottom of VS Code, a URL will be show similar to

getCustomers: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/customer
Image urlOutput

Control Click or copy and paste the URL into a browser. The result in the browser should be an empty array because there is no data in the table.

Image browser1

We can add data to the table by clicking the SQL Server icon on the left side of VS Code

Image sqlTab1


then right clicking the server name and selecting New Query

Image newQuery


Copy and paste the following SQL into the query sheet

insert into dbo.customers values (1, N'Ben', N'123 West Street', N'Any State', N'(555)-555-0000');

Click the run button to insert the row into the table

Image insertStatement1


and refresh the browser. The row is now seen in JSON format from the SQL Binding function in your browser.

Image browser2

Congratulations! You have successfully created your first SQL input binding!

Part 2 and 3

In the next parts, Output and Trigger SQL Bindings will be covered with samples and a walkthrough for each.


Brian Spendolini
Senior Product Manager, Azure SQL Database


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