Showing results for December 2020 - Azure SQL Devs’ Corner

Dec 14, 2020

Seasons of Serverless Challenge 3: Azure TypeScript Functions and Azure SQL Database serverless

Drew Skwiers-Koballa
Drew Skwiers-Koballa

Throughout the next seven weeks we'll be sharing a solution to the week's Seasons of Serverless challenge that integrates Azure SQL Database serverless with Azure serverless compute. Learn how to develop an Azure Function that leverages Azure SQL database serverless and TypeScript with Challenge 3 of the Seasons of Serverless challenge.

Azure SQLJavascript
Dec 11, 2020

Programmatically parsing Transact SQL (T-SQL) with the ScriptDom parser

Arvind Shyamsundar
Arvind Shyamsundar

Azure SQL developers have access to a full-fidelity, highly accurate, and easy-to-use client-side parser for T-SQL statements: the TransactSql.ScriptDom parser. This blog post walks through basic usage, and links to a number of resources for digging deeper.

Azure SQLDevOps.NET
Dec 10, 2020

Azure SQL can read Azure Data Lake storage files using Synapse SQL external tables

Jovan Popovic
Jovan Popovic

Serverless Synapse SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics is a T-SQL query engine that enables you to read the files placed on Azure storage. You can easily integrate your Azure SQL engine with Synapse SQL to delegate big data analytics and analyze large amounts of data placed on Azure.

Azure SQLBig Data
Dec 3, 2020

Autoscaling with Azure SQL Hyperscale

Davide Mauri
Davide Mauri

Azure SQL Hyperscale is the latest architectural evolution of Azure SQL, which has been natively designed to take advantage of the cloud. One of the main key features of this new architecture is the complete separation of Compute Nodes and Storage Nodes. This allows for the independent scale of each service, making Hyperscale more flexible and ...