Xamarin Blog

An open source mobile platform for building Android, iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps with .NET.

Planet Xamarin: Follow Your Favorite Community Bloggers

Thee Xamarin development community is expanding and flourishing, with the Xamarin blog and Xamarin MVPs offering a plethora of knowledge for developers to soak up. As the community has continued to grow, so has the number of amazing developers blogging, recording, and podcasting about their libraries, apps, and experiences with Xamarin. In light of this, we've worked with community members to create a community blog aggregation platform that anyone can subscribe to via RSS. We call it Planet Xamarin and it's launching today!

The Xamarin Show: Getting Started with MVVM

Out of all of the architectural patterns, Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) has to be my favorite. When I started The Xamarin Show last year on Channel 9, I made sure to cover all of the different aspects of MVVM, as well as some amazing libraries that work with Xamarin, and I could think of no better way of starting 2017 than by highlighting the top Xamarin Show episodes that feature MVVM.

Live XAML Previewing with the Xamarin.Forms Previewer

One of the most time-consuming parts of development is the the build and run cycle, or the time between writing a line of code and seeing it execute. Real-time feedback makes development faster, easier, and more fun for developers. The Xamarin.Forms Previewer renders a live preview of a page side-by-side with the XAML markup, allowing you to see your user interface come to life as you type.