
Announcing TypeScript

We are excited to see the feedback and interest in all the new features that we’ve released with TypeScript 0.9.  We’re already seeing users converting hundreds of thousands of lines to the new version and using the new features in earnest. Today, we’re releasing an update that addresses a few of the highest ...

Announcing TypeScript 0.9

Today, we’re excited to be releasing TypeScript 0.9.0.  This release represents the largest update to TypeScript to date, bringing significant changes to the language, compiler and tools.  These span from highly requested new language features like Generics, to a new compiler infrastructure that lays the foundation for ...

Announcing 0.9 early previews

Today we’re making an early preview available which showcases some of the new features coming in 0.9.0 preview release.  It’s intended for users who wish to try out these features, begin porting existing applications, and who don’t mind a few rough edges in the compiler and language service along the way.  Users who...

Announcing TypeScript

We've released a hotfix to the 0.8.3 TypeScript for Visual Studio 2012 plugin.  The 0.8.3 preview release included a broad range of improvements to the TypeScript experience, but it also included an issue that caused editor performance to degrade significantly in some cases.  The hotfix release ( addresses this ...

Announcing TypeScript 0.8.3

Today, we're happy to announce the 0.8.3 preview release of TypeScript.  This release adds incremental polish and bugfixes to the TypeScript compiler, language service, and Visual Studio plugin.  Compiler Improvements In the 0.8.3 preview release, we fixed a few key issues that improve compiler correctness and performance, ...

Trying the Latest TypeScript Build

Starting with release, you can now update the TypeScript language services file, the compiled JavaScript that powers most of the TypeScript editor features in Visual Studio. This includes tasks like error reporting, compile-on-save, renaming, go to definition, completion lists, signature help, and others. By updating your TypeScript ...

Walkthrough: Interfaces

When we talk about a type in TypeScript, we mean a collection of things that you can do with a variable (or expression). You might be able to read or write a given property, call a function, use the expression as a constructor, or index into the object. Some objects (like Date) in JavaScript can do nearly all of those! In TypeScript, ...

Announcing TypeScript 0.8.2

We’re happy to announce the 0.8.2 preview release of TypeScript.  This release has been focused on  addressing key usability feedback and filling in tooling experiences.  Along the way, we’ve also incorporated some of the highest-rated feature requests and bugfixes. JSDoc Support Being able to see API documentation ...

Working on 0.8.2

We’ve recently branched for the upcoming 0.8.2 release of TypeScript.  Before we talk about what’s new, we wanted to talk a bit about the engineering process that goes into making a release.Going forward, TypeScript development will happen across three types of branches.  Our current two branches of 'master' and 'develop...