Showing results for February 2017 - TypeScript

Feb 22, 2017

Announcing TypeScript 2.2

Daniel Rosenwasser
Daniel Rosenwasser

Today our team is happy to present our latest release with TypeScript 2.2! For those who haven't yet heard of it, TypeScript is a simple extension to JavaScript to add optional types along with all the new ECMAScript features. TypeScript builds on the ECMAScript standard and adds type-checking to make you way more productive through cleaner code ...

Feb 2, 2017

Announcing TypeScript 2.2 RC

Daniel Rosenwasser
Daniel Rosenwasser

TypeScript 2.2 is just around the corner, and today we're announcing its release candidate! If you're first hearing about it, TypeScript is a language that just takes JavaScript and adds optional static types. Being built on JavaScript means that you don't have to learn much more beyond what you know from JavaScript, and all your existing code ...
