Posts by this author

Feb 2, 2015

TypeScript Developer Survey Results

Last week, we invited you to complete a survey on TypeScript usage. Our goal was to learn more about how developers use TypeScript so that we can make better decisions about how to address your needs in the language and tools in the future. Thanks to the 1,082 developers who responded to the survey. We wanted to share the results with you. ...

Jan 21, 2015

TypeScript Developer Survey

We have a short survey for TypeScript developers to help us better gauge the community and direct our efforts. If you're using TypeScript, you can help us out by filling out the survey and sharing the link. If you'd like to share more directed feedback with the team, feel free to log an issue on GitHub or post a question on ...

Nov 18, 2014

TypeScript 1.4 sneak peek: union types, type guards, and more

With TypeScript 1.3 out the door, we're focused on adding more type system and ECMAScript 6 features to TypeScript. Let's take a quick look at some of the new features you'll be able to use in the next release of TypeScript. All these features are live in the master branch on our GitHub repository if you'd like to check them out yourself today.&...

May 13, 2014

Announcing TypeScript 1.0.1

Today, we’re announcing the release of TypeScript 1.0.1. This release addresses user-reported issues around stability, performance, and Visual Studio 2012 compatibility. The upgrade is available as part of the Visual Studio 2013 Update 2, a Visual Studio 2012 power tool, npm package, and as source. We’re also announcing the support...

Jan 29, 2013

Trying the Latest TypeScript Build

Starting with release, you can now update the TypeScript language services file, the compiled JavaScript that powers most of the TypeScript editor features in Visual Studio. This includes tasks like error reporting, compile-on-save, renaming, go to definition, completion lists, signature help, and others. By updating your TypeScript ...

Jan 24, 2013

Walkthrough: Interfaces

When we talk about a type in TypeScript, we mean a collection of things that you can do with a variable (or expression). You might be able to read or write a given property, call a function, use the expression as a constructor, or index into the object. Some objects (like Date) in JavaScript can do nearly all of those! In TypeScript, interfaces are...