Kristen Halper

SW/FW Engineer, Surface Duo Developer Experience

Works in the Surface Duo Developer Experience team to help with all aspects of dual-screen SDK development and customer engagement.

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Use Microsoft Graph in an Android app

Hello Android developers, This week, we’ll be continuing our blog series on using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) and the Microsoft Graph to connect to M365 services in your own Android apps. Previously, we covered the basics of MSAL and an introduction to MS Graph for Android, so be sure to check out those ...

Introduction to Microsoft Graph for Android

Hello Android developers, Today we’ll be continuing our blog series on using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) and the Microsoft Graph to connect to M365 services in your own Android apps. Last week, we covered the basics of MSAL, so be sure to check that out first! This week, we’ll focus on the Microsoft...

Relay Anchor Leg: Overall impressions

Hello Compose developers, Over the last two weeks, I’ve given a brief introduction to Relay, as well as talked about some of the tips and tricks I picked up while using the tool. This week, I’ll share my thoughts on the current state of Relay from the developer point of view. As a reminder, Relay is in alpha, so please go...

Relay Leg 2: Tips and tricks

Hello Compose developers, Last week, I gave a brief introduction to Relay, the new Figma to Compose tool developed by Google. This week, I’ll dive deeper into some tips and tricks I learned when testing out Relay, As a reminder, Relay is in alpha, so please go try it out and send the Relay team your feedback! Putting Relay...

Pass the design baton with Relay

Hello Compose developers, Over the holidays, I finally got the chance to test out Relay, the new tool released by Google late last year. The goal of Relay is to simplify the “handoff problem” between designers and developers by translating Figma designs directly into Compose code. (image) Figure 1. Viewing the StatusCard ...

Compose TwoPaneLayout updates

Hello Compose developers, This week, we’d like to announce two major updates to our TwoPaneLayout component that come with version . We hope these updates will help make the library even more flexible and useful for you all. We also have some other Compose SDK updates to announce! New value in PaneMode enum It may...

droidcon New York and London

Hello Android developers! It has been great to see the community face-to-face at droidcon events around the world in 2022. The Surface Duo team really enjoyed meeting folks, presenting, and discussing foldable app development face-to-face. If you didn’t make it to an event (or if you did but want to re-live it) more sessions are ...

Jetpack Compose Accompanist TwoPane

Hello Compose developers! This week, we’d like to talk about the TwoPane layout from Google’s Accompanist Adaptive library! Not to be confused with our own Microsoft Compose SDK TwoPaneLayout component, TwoPane from Accompanist is a fold-aware UI component that works great for cases when you always want to show two pieces...

Improving app accessibility with Jetpack Compose

Hello Jetpack Compose developers! This week, we’d like to share how we started improving the accessibility of our Compose samples. Accessibility in Android can relate to many different aspects of your apps, ranging from content descriptions and color contrast to layout hierarchy and touch target size. Regardless of where ...

Dual-screen example adds Jetpack Compose to the experience

Hello Compose developers! This week, we’re excited to announce two big updates to our dual-screen experience example: a Compose refactor of the catalog page and a brand new order history page. The dual-screen experience example provides an end-to-end experience centered around a travelling guitar salesperson, with options ...