Showing results for accessibility - Surface Duo Blog

Sep 15, 2022

Improving app accessibility with Jetpack Compose

Kristen Halper
Kristen Halper

Hello Jetpack Compose developers! This week, we’d like to share how we started improving the accessibility of our Compose samples. Accessibility in Android can relate to many different aspects of your apps, ranging from content descriptions and color contrast to layout hierarchy and touch target size. Regardless of where you start...

kotlinJetpack Composeaccessibility
May 5, 2022

Accessibility in a dual-screen application

Bianca Miron
Bianca Miron

Hello Android developers! Accessibility is an important step in the design and development flow of any Android application. Ensuring that everyone can use it in any situation will make the experience better, and the app will benefit from having an extended and diverse audience. When you design your app with accessibility in mind, you en...

Surface Duokotlinaccessibility