Scripting Blog [archived]

Formerly known as the "Hey, Scripting Guy!" blog

Using the PowerShell CIM cmdlets for fun and profit

Summary: Learn how to use CIM cmdlets for better speed, security, and data return as opposed to the WMI cmdlets in Windows PowerShell. The other day, Windows PowerShell MVP, Richard Siddaway, posted Should I use CIM or WMI with Windows PowerShell? Today, I would like to continue that discussion a little bit. You should read Richard’s blog ...

PowerTip: Find related cmdlet aliases

Summary: Learn how to find aliases related to a series of cmdlets.(image)  How can I find aliases that are related to a series of Windows PowerShell cmdlets, such as processes?(image)  Use the Get-Alias cmdlet and specify a wildcard character for the definition parameter, for example:Get-Alias -Definition "*process"(image...