Showing results for arrays - Scripting Blog [archived]

Sep 18, 2019

Creating a Platform Independent Function in PowerShell

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Creating a Function in PowerShell and the power of the $PSVersionTable to make code more portable Q: Hey, Doctor Scripto! I saw that post last week on converting Here-String into an array. I wanted to write my code to trap for PowerShell and PowerShell Core. Could you give me a helping hand? —PG A: Hello PG, Hello everyone...

scripting techniquesSean KearneyPowerShell
Apr 11, 2016

How to skip the beginning and ending of a file by using PowerShell


Summary: Learn how to skip the beginning and ending portions of a text file by using Windows PowerShell in this article by the Microsoft Scripting Guy Ed Wilson. This is the second post in a multi-part series of blog posts that deal with how to determine letter frequency in text files. To fully understand this post, you should read the entire ...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellscripting techniques