Showing results for August 2012 - Page 4 of 13 - Scripting Blog [archived]

Aug 24, 2012

Use PowerShell 3.0 to Find Enabled Windows 8 Features

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, shows how to use Windows PowerShell 3.0 to find enabled Windows 8 features. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. One of the neat things about Windows (does not matter the version) is how I can customize the installation or deployment. In fact, nearly every version of Windows I have ever worked wi...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShelloperating system
Aug 23, 2012

PowerTip: Find and Import Modules

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to find and import Windows PowerShell modules.  I want to get a list of all the modules that are installed with Windows PowerShell on my machine. How can you do this?  Inside a Windows PowerShell console, type the following command: Get-Module -ListAvailable  I want to load all of the modules that are installed wit...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellPowerTip
Aug 23, 2012

Use PowerShell 3.0 to Clear the Client DNS Cache on Workstations

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, shows how to use Windows PowerShell 3.0 to clear the client DNS cache on workstations. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. One of the things I love about Windows PowerShell 3.0 in Windows 8 is the number of cmdlets available. These cmdlets make it possible to perform literally hundreds of tasks ...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellnetworking
Aug 22, 2012

PowerTip: Measure the Time for a Command to Complete

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Learn how to measure the time for a Windows PowerShell command to complete.  How can I see how many seconds it takes to retrieve objects from the application log?     (Measure-Command { Get-EventLog application }).totalseconds

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellPowerTip
Aug 22, 2012

Use PowerShell to Identify Port Connections in Windows 8

Doctor Scripto
Doctor Scripto

Summary: Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, shows how to use Windows PowerShell to identify port connections in Windows 8.  Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. There are only twenty-three days until Windows PowerShell Saturday in Charlotte, North Carolina. In fact, as far as I know, we have even had our last organizational meeti...

Scripting Guy!Windows PowerShellnetworking