Microsoft 365 Developer Blog

A developer platform for building collaborative apps for hybrid work

A Lap around Microsoft Graph Toolkit Day 3 – Microsoft Graph Toolkit Components

Welcome to Day 3 of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit blog series! In this blog post we walk through the Microsoft Graph Toolkit Playground, a website where you can view and test toolkit components directly online without having to create a real project. It also gives you an overview of components available in the latest version of the Toolkit (version 1.2). 

A Lap around Microsoft Graph Toolkit Day 2 – Zero to Hero

Welcome to Day 2 of A Lap Around Microsoft Graph Toolkit! Today's post will show you how to get started with Microsoft Graph Toolkit from Zero to Hero. The exercise will walk you through registering your application, setting up authentication, and using your first Microsoft Graph Toolkit components with only a couple lines of code.

Postponed- iCalUId update on Microsoft Graph

In a blog post dated February 25, 2020, we announced plans to update  iCalUId on Microsoft Graph to make it adhere to its industry definition.  Since then, many of our customers' priorities have changed in response to the COVID-19 crisis.  As a result, we have decided to postpone making this update. We will provide the developer community ...

Page limit added to Microsoft Graph OneNote API

We made a change to the OneNote API to set a page limit at the section level. This affects the Create page scenario. When this limit is reached for a section and an attempt is made to create a new page in that section, you will see a response with HTTP status code 507 and message "Exceeded the maximum number of pages allowed per section...

Accessing Outlook items in a user’s archived, shared or delegated mailboxes using Microsoft Graph

We have noticed that a few customers are unsure about the right way to access Outlook messages and contacts in mailboxes other than the signed-in user’s primary mailbox (archive, delegated, or shared mailboxes). For example, some customers use one of the following API URLs to access Outlook items in another mailbox, using the item ID and the...