Microsoft for Java Developers

News, updates, and insights for Java development with Microsoft tools, Azure services, and OpenJDK.

Using Java with ACA dynamic sessions

Have you ever needed to just run your Java code in an instant-on container in the cloud without the hassle of managing your own Kubernetes server?  How about having access to Open AI code interpreter built-in to that container and billed on a consumption basis? About Azure Container Apps and dynamic sessions Azure Container Apps (ACA) ...

Java on Azure Tooling Update – May 2024

Hi everyone, welcome to the May update of Java on Azure Tooling. In this update, we will introduce our getting started guide for Java on Azure Container Apps. We hope you enjoy these updates and have a smooth experience with our Azure toolkit. Please download and install the Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ. Let’s get started. Azure Toolkit for...

Announcing Java on Azure Container Apps Support for Java on Azure Developer Tools

During Build 2024, it was announced that Azure Container Apps now offers a rich set of operational capabilities for Java Developers. (Full details on this blog). We are excited to share that Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ has provided support for Java on Azure Container Apps(Java on ACA) with flexible deployment options. With this support, Java ...