Microsoft for Java Developers

News, updates, and insights for Java development with Microsoft tools, Azure services, and OpenJDK.

Java on Azure Tooling Update – November 2023

Hi everyone, welcome to the November update of Java on Azure Tooling. In this update, we are excited to announce the feature of intelligent code assistance support for Azure resources connections in IntelliJ IDEA, which includes code completion, code navigation and code fix to improve developer productivity. We hope you enjoy these updates and...

Java on Visual Studio Code Update – December 2023

Hi everyone, welcome to the December update for Visual Studio Code for Java! We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! In this blog we have tons of exciting new features including test coverage, UX updates as well as Spring Boot updates. Let's get started! Test with Coverage in Visual Studio Code Insiders Test coverage is a ...

Microsoft JDConf is back in 2024!

In a rapidly expanding digital world, the Java community stands out with its remarkable and unprecedented growth. According to a 24th edition of the State of Developer Nation survey, the Java community has seen incredible growth over the last two years, gaining nearly 8M developers and reaching just over 17M globally. This remarkable trend ...