Microsoft for Java Developers

News, updates, and insights for Java development with Microsoft tools, Azure services, and OpenJDK.

Improving OpenJDK Scalar Replacement – Part 1/3

Scalar replacement (SR) is a powerful optimization technique in OpenJDK that aims to enhance the performance of Java applications by breaking down complex objects into simpler, more manageable scalar variables. In this three-part blog series, we will delve into the intricacies of scalar replacement and the enhancements we've contributed to the...

Announcing Java on Azure Container Apps Support for Java on Azure Developer Tools

During Build 2024, it was announced that Azure Container Apps now offers a rich set of operational capabilities for Java Developers. (Full details on this blog). We are excited to share that Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ has provided support for Java on Azure Container Apps(Java on ACA) with flexible deployment options. With this support, Java ...