Showing results for August 2023 - Microsoft for Java Developers

Aug 29, 2023

Java on Visual Studio Code – August 2023

Nick Zhu
Nick Zhu

Hi everyone, welcome to our August update for Visual Studio Code for Java! In this blog we are going to provide you more improvements about de-compiler support. Additionally, we are going to show creating Maven projects without archetype and important code highlighting bug fix. Let's get started! More Decompiler Support Improvements When we intro...

JavaOpen SourceVisual Studio Code
Aug 27, 2023

Important Notice: Update your Azure Toolkit to latest version before September 30, 2023

Jialuo Gan
Jialuo Gan

We would like to inform you that the Docker host feature in Azure Toolkit will be affected by some internal architecture changes related to Azure Active Directory Graph API. For more details, please visit this page.   Please follow the steps below to check your versions of Azure Toolkit and update them if needed:  ...

JavaOpen SourceVisual Studio Code
Aug 21, 2023

How Tiered Compilation works in OpenJDK

Cesar Soares
Cesar Soares

The OpenJDK HotSpot runtime system is a complex piece of software that employs several techniques to optimize the execution of Java programs on the fly. The system is composed of two different compilers, one interpreter and several different Garbage Collectors, among several other components. These compilers are orchestrated in a tiered compilation...
