Showing results for Operating Model - Azure DevOps Blog

Feb 28, 2023

Retrospectives: The Hidden Gem Enabling Teams to Thrive – Part 1

Damon Stoddard
Damon Stoddard

Let me ask you a question. If you asked a world-renowned expert what the single most impactful thing a team could do to improve, what do you think they’d say? I had the opportunity to ask Scott Tannenbaum that question during a recent meeting. Scott is the co-author of the book “Teams that Work”, an evidence-based book outlining the factors that t...

AgileAzure & CloudLean Product Management
Jun 7, 2022

DevOps Dojo: Lean Product – Part 3

DevOps Dojo
DevOps Dojo

In Part 1 and Part 2 of the DevOps Dojo – Lean Product series, we covered the why, what, and how of the product-centric model and lean product model as outlined in the White & Orange Belts of the DevOps Dojo. In this third and last part of the Lean Product series, we will take on a view from 10,000 feet above and explore how adopting a Lean Pr...
