Showing results for Cloud Transformation - Azure DevOps Blog

Mar 5, 2023

Create Azure DevOps Management Reports

April Yoho
April Yoho

When managing any sized organization, there is always the question of how to track and review your existing policies on every single project. There is a solution that can query your exiting projects and provide management reports for a multitude of reports. Using this tool can help you assess and manage all of the projects in your Azure DevOps orga...

AgileAzure & CloudReporting
Jun 8, 2022

DevOps Dojo – OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)

DevOps Dojo
DevOps Dojo

In the Dojo White Belt Master Class, the first session is OKR fundamentals. In this session, we answer these top 20 questions related to OKRs, then we ask participants to set their team OKRs for the rest of the class. Every day, each team checks their progress towards their committed OKRs and aspirational OKRs. On the final d...

Jun 7, 2022

DevOps Dojo: Lean Product – Part 3

DevOps Dojo
DevOps Dojo

In Part 1 and Part 2 of the DevOps Dojo – Lean Product series, we covered the why, what, and how of the product-centric model and lean product model as outlined in the White & Orange Belts of the DevOps Dojo. In this third and last part of the Lean Product series, we will take on a view from 10,000 feet above and explore how adopting a Lean Pr...
