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Mar 15, 2023

Announcing Data API builder for Azure Cosmos DB

Sajeetharan Sinnathurai
Sajeetharan Sinnathurai

We are super excited to announce the public preview of Data API builder. A new feature that allows customers to instantly and securely build a GraphQL API for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL and Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL.   A quick look at Data API Builder  With Data API Builder, database objects can be exposed via REST or GraphQL endpoints so...

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQLAzure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
Mar 2, 2021

Continuous backup with point in time restore now in preview

Govind Kanshi
Govind Kanshi

Azure Cosmos DB now offers continuous backup with point-in-time restore capabilities. This feature can help to recover your database from accidental delete of accounts, containers or mutation of data. The restore can be accomplished through a wide area of tools available on the platform.

Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQLAnnouncementsAzure Cosmos DB for MongoDB