We are pleased to announce .NET Conf: Focus on Xamarin on Monday, March 23rd, 2020 beginning at 08:00 PST! This is a free, one-day livestream event that features speakers from the community and product teams that are working on building native mobile apps with Xamarin technology!

What is .NET Conf: Focus on Xamarin?
This “Focused” series is a branch off of the original .NET Conf event. In addition to that annual event, we also deliver a set of smaller, live events throughout the year. These focus on specific tooling within the .NET ecosystem. Our first livestream event of the series started with Blazor, now onto Xamarin, and more to come! Of course, the original, annual .NET Conf event will still be scheduled for later this year. Stay tuned-in for more information on that.
What To Expect
Starting at 08:00 PST, Xamarin PMs Maddy Leger and David Ortinau, along with special guests, will kick off the day with a Xamarin All The Things keynote. Following the keynote, will be 12 deep dive sessions into a variety of Xamarin topics. Such as performance, components, testing, accessibility, and more. There will truly be something for everyone. Be sure to browse the complete agenda for the full list of Xamarin goodness!
Get Involved
Join us on the livestream throughout the day. Interact with the speakers and ask questions by tweeting with the hashtag #dotNETConf. We will be following the conversation and answering your questions live!
Watch the .NET Conf: Focus on Xamarin Event
Watch and participate in this free, online event from the comfort of your home. To save the event in your calendar, head over to focus.dotnetconf.net and select “Save the Date!” Make sure to follow @XamarinHQ on Twitter for updates. We look forward to seeing you there!