The official blog of the TypeScript team.
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What about Async/Await?
We’ve heard your feedback that you’re excited about async/await in TypeScript. Async/await allows developers to write to asynchronous code flows as if they were synchronous, removing the need for registering event handlers or writing separate callback functions. You may have seen similar patterns in C#. TypeScript’s async/await pattern makes use of Promises, much like C#’s async/await pattern leverages Tasks. Promises are objects that represent ongoing asynchronous actions and are a built-in feature of ECMAScript 6 (ES6). TypeScript’s async/await is implemented as proposed for ES2016 (aka ES7). We’re happy to ...
Announcing TypeScript 1.6
Today, we're happy to announce the release of TypeScript 1.6.  This release adds support for React/JSX, class expressions, and a rich set of new capabilities in the type system. It also provides stricter type checking for object literals. You can download TypeScript 1.6 for Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, on npm, or as source. React/JSX Designed with feedback from React experts and the React team, we've built full-featured support for React typing and the JSX support in React.  Below, you can see TypeScript code happily coexisting with JSX syntax within a single file with the new .tsx extension. ...
Announcing TypeScript 1.6 Beta: React/JSX, better error checking, and more
Today, we’re making a beta of the upcoming TypeScript 1.6 available.  There are a bunch of new features coming in the 1.6 release, and we wanted to give you a preview of these features and time to give us feedback. You can get this for Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, NPM, and source. React/JSX support One of the key philosophies of TypeScript is to let you write TypeScript anywhere you can develop using JavaScript. While we’ve worked with teams such as Dojo, Aurelia, and Angular to ensure using TypeScript is as easy as using JavaScript, there was still an important library that that presented a ...
Introducing TypeScript npm nightlies
To make it easier to try out the very latest in TypeScript, we're now publishing the TypeScript nightly npm package. You can try this out using:npm install -g typescript@nextWe've set this to update each night, and we timestamp each release. You can see what version you're on with the --version commandline switch:C:\Users>tsc --versionmessage TS6029: Version 1.6.0-dev.20150727Please note: since this is the coming straight from the bleeding edge source, it may have bugs or incompatibilities. If you find any, please let us know the usual way.
Announcing TypeScript 1.5
Today we’re happy to announce the release of TypeScript 1.5.  This release took an alpha, a beta, and your help to get here.  It’s a big one, so let’s get started! TypeScript 1.5 is part of the newly released Visual Studio 2015.  You can also get a separate download for Visual Studio 2013, npm, and straight from GitHub. ES6 support TypeScript 1.5 - closing the gap on Kangax ES6 support TypeScript 1.5 adds a number of new ES6 features including modules, destructuring, spread, for..of, symbols, computed properties, let/const, and tagged string templates.  There is quite a bit of information av...
The TypeScript Team is Hiring!
The TypeScript team is hiring! We’ve been growing, and we have lots of exciting plans ahead. Here are some of the things you’ll do as part of the TypeScript team: Work on the compiler – Every compiled language needs a compiler, and TypeScript has a good one. As we add language features and continue to align with the ever-growing JavaScript language, we’re continually working to improve what we have and ensure we’re building on a solid foundation. Work on editors/IDEs – In addition to the compiler, the TypeScript team builds the TypeScript language service, ...
Developing in TypeScript on a Mac with Sublime
Within the TypeScript team, many of us have Macs that we use for development. We’ve also heard from some of you that you’d like to use your OS X machines to build TypeScript projects. So recently, we’ve been focusing on building a natural and rich developer toolset for Mac and Linux fans. Starting with TypeScript 1.5, TypeScript projects have complete tooling support in OS X using Sublime, Atom, and Visual Studio Code. In this article, we’ll be talking about how to set up your Mac for developing TypeScript using Sublime. Getting started First, install the TypeScript compiler, which you...
Using TypeScript in Visual Studio Code
With the recent announcement of Visual Studio Code, there have been a lot of questions about how to get started writing TypeScript. In this quickstart, we’ll create a simple TypeScript project. Out of the box, Visual Studio Code supports TypeScript 1.5 beta and using either the node or Visual Studio command-line compilers. For this quickstart, because of its use of the new tsconfig.json feature, we assume you already have TypeScript 1.5 beta installed. Let’s start by making a new empty folder, MyProject, and opening it in Visual Studio Code. In Window, click “Open Folder&...
Announcing TypeScript 1.5 Beta
We have continued work on the TypeScript 1.5 release, and today we are one step closer. You can now try out the TypeScript 1.5 beta as a download for VS 2015 RC, VS 2013, npm, or as source.The beta represents further progress to the final 1.5 release, with many bugfixes, support for a new metadata API that works with decorators, and updates to bring lib.d.ts up-to-date. Decorator Metadata TypeScript 1.5 beta introduces the new metadata API for working with decorators, allowing you to add and read metadata on declarations. You can see how this works in the example below. First, you need to install t...