Showing results for Q# - Q# Blog

Aug 1, 2024

Resource Estimation Challenge at QRISE 2024: Recap

Mariia Mykhailova
Mariia Mykhailova

This spring, we partnered with Quantum Coalition to offer a challenge at QRISE 2024 - a six-week-long event aiming to get students started doing research projects in areas of interest in quantum computing industry. Meet the challenge winners and learn about their projects!

Jul 29, 2024

Integrated Hybrid Support in the Azure Quantum Development Kit

Cesar Zaragoza Cortes
Cesar Zaragoza Cortes

Some quantum computers can do more than execute a static sequence of gates. The most advanced ones can perform mid-circuit measurements, conditionally execute gates, perform real-time classical computations and re-use qubits. If you want to experiment with these state-of-the-art capabilities, we have good news for you. The Azure Quantum Development...

Q#Azure QuantumQIR
May 20, 2024

Circuit Diagrams with Q#

Mine Starks
Mine Starks

If you’ve been exploring quantum programming using Q#, you may have been thinking, “This language is great and so easy to use! But what about visual learners?” I’m a software engineer in the Azure Quantum Development Kit team, and I’m very excited to share a new feature I’ve been working on: circuit visualization in Q#. One of the neat things...

Jan 12, 2024

Announcing v1.0 of the Azure Quantum Development Kit

Bill Ticehurst
Bill Ticehurst

Today we are excited to announce the 1.0 release of the Azure Quantum Development Kit, which we often refer to simply as "the QDK". As outlined in an earlier blog post, this is a significant re-write over the prior QDK with an emphasis on speed, simplicity, and a delightful experience. Review that post for the technical details on how we rebuilt...

Oct 19, 2023

Azure Quantum Integrated Hybrid unlocks algorithmic primitives

Martin Roetteler
Martin Roetteler

To build a quantum supercomputer that can solve the world’s hardest and most complex problems in chemistry and materials science, several key ingredients need to come together. First, today’s foundational-level quantum machines need to be scaled up to a size of at least one million stable and controllable qubits. These are the table stakes for solv...

Q#Azure QuantumQ# Language
Sep 19, 2023

Introducing the Azure Quantum Development Kit Preview

Bill Ticehurst
Bill Ticehurst

100x faster, 100x smaller, and it runs in the browser! The Azure Quantum team is excited to announce the initial preview of the new Azure Quantum Development Kit (or QDK for short). This has been entirely rebuilt using a new codebase on a new technology stack, and this blog post outlines the why, the how, and some of the benefits of doing so. T...

Q#Azure QuantumQ# Language
Apr 24, 2023

Azure Quantum introduces sessions to accelerate your research with variational algorithms

Lucas Enloe
Lucas Enloe

To take full advantage of an Interactive Hybrid architecture, many popular algorithms such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) require tight integration between the cloud provider and the quantum hardware manufacturer.    Today, Azure Quantum is introducing sessions, ...

Azure QuantumQ#
Mar 8, 2023

Azure Quantum unlocks the next generation of Hybrid Quantum Computing

Fabrice Frachon
Fabrice Frachon

Today, Microsoft announced a significant quantum advancement and made our new Integrated Hybrid feature in Azure Quantum available to the public. Quantum computing is inherently hybrid. The key to unlocking impactful, commercial applications at scale will be deep integration between classical computing capabilities including HPC and AI with scal...

Azure QuantumQ#Events