Posts by this author

Jan 16, 2024

Design Fault Tolerant Quantum Computing applications with the open-source Resource Estimator

We are excited to announce that following its initial release the Azure Quantum Resource Estimator is now open-source. It has been integrated with the Modern QDK making it run up to 100x faster, and running across PC, Mac, Linux or from your web browser. Try it now. Why is resource estimation relevant today? Quantum computing has the potential fo...

Resource EstimationQubit
Nov 1, 2023

Calculating resource estimates for cryptanalysis

We’re excited to release the Resource Estimation and Cryptography interactive experience in Azure Quantum. This experience offers a deep dive into the potential implications of fault-tolerant quantum computing on common cryptographic systems. Thanks to the power of the Azure Quantum Resource Estimator, we can provide estimates of the number of qubi...

Resource Estimation
Dec 1, 2022

Automate Resource Estimation with QIR

Learn how to automate physical resource estimation jobs using the Azure Quantum Resource Estimator and the Azure Quantum Python library.

Dec 14, 2021

Visualizing resource estimates with the trace simulator and quantum-viz.js

Estimating the resources and visualizing execution traces of Q# programs are useful tasks. The trace simulator from the QDK and quantum-viz.js Javascript library help to perform those. In this blog post, we customize the trace simulator to output a circuit with hierarchy and resource information to be displayed with quantum-viz.js. The flame g...

Jul 13, 2021

The AutoSubstitution rewrite step

The new Microsoft.Quantum.AutoSubstitution NuGet package makes it easier to replace operations with alternatives when targeting different simulators.

Dec 4, 2020

Emulation in Q#

It can be helpful to implement Q# functions or operations directly in C# - either to access some API that is not directly accessible in Q# or to provide alternative implementations based on the context in which the Q# program is executed. This blog post describes techniques to programmatically replace a Q# function by another one.
