Showing results for 2021 - Page 2 of 2 - Math in Office

Mar 29, 2021

Math Accessibility Trees

Murray Sargent
Murray Sargent

This post discusses aspects of making mathematical equations accessible to blind people. Equations that are simple typographically, such as 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐², are accessible with the use of standard left and right arrow key navigation and with each variable and two-dimensional construct being spoken or felt when the insertion point is moved to them. At an in...

Feb 15, 2021

Some UnicodeMath Enhancements

Murray Sargent
Murray Sargent

In the years since UnicodeMath 3.1 was published, some improvements have been made. The converter that converts UnicodeMath to OfficeMath also converts LaTeX and Nemeth math braille to OfficeMath. The converter needs ways to provide OfficeMath math-object arguments even when these arguments are not marked as such in the math format. The resulting i...

Jan 27, 2021

RichEdit Emoticon Shortcuts

Murray Sargent
Murray Sargent

Seems many email messages and IM’s include emoji smiley faces like 😊. You just type :-) and you get 😉 whether you want it or not! About a year ago, the Microsoft 365 RichEdit started offering such a facility. This post describes the built-in emoticon shortcut strings and the corresponding emoji characters and the APIs for enabling the conversions. ...

Jan 17, 2021

RichEdit Hot Keys

Murray Sargent
Murray Sargent

In the early microcomputer days, MS-DOS editors like pmate and teco depended on hot keys for navigation and other tasks. With the great support for the mouse, touch, and graphical interface aids like ribbons incorporated into later personal computers, the need for navigation hot keys was greatly diminished. But there are other hot keys that can be ...