Showing results for Performance - Microsoft for Java Developers

Oct 25, 2021

Spot every Spring Boot application issue on the spot using AppDynamics!

Asir Selvasingh
Asir Selvasingh

Today, we are excited to announce the integration of AppDynamics in the Azure Spring Cloud for full-stack observability. Over the past 20 months, we worked with many enterprise customers to learn about the scenarios they face. Many of these customers have thousands of Spring Boot applications running in on-premises data centers. As they migrate ...

Apr 12, 2021

Microsoft JFR Streaming Library for Java Flight Recorder

David Grieve
David Grieve

Today we are happy to share the first release of our JFR Streaming library. With this library, developers can easily manage Java Flight Recordings programmatically. It includes commonly expected features such as starting and stopping a flight recording on a local or remote JVM and reading the recorded file as an InputStream. Azure Application In...

JavaOpen Source
Apr 30, 2020

Java on Visual Studio Code Update – April 2020

Xiaokai He
Xiaokai He

Java on VS Code April update will show you the effect of latest performance improvements, new Java 14 support and semantic highlighting. Also including how to easily create new Java class, perform rename refactoring from file explorer and preview the proposed changes.

JavaOpen SourceVisual Studio Code
Mar 19, 2020

Java on Visual Studio Code Update – March 2020

Xiaokai He
Xiaokai He

In this update, we will show you the performance improvements just released as well as currently under development. You will see Syntax Mode, the newly polished experience for standalone Java files. We'd also like to introduce you to the newly released SonarLint extension which helps you detect code quality and security issues on the fly.

Oct 29, 2019

AOT Compilation in HotSpot: Introduction

Ludovic Henry
Ludovic Henry

Introduce the AOT Compiler that was introduced in Java 9 with the addition of the jaotc command-line utility. Explore some of the tradeoffs it needs to take, how the generated code fits in the Tiered Compilation pipeline, go through a simple example, and take a look at some alternatives (JIT at Startup, JIT caching, and Distributed JIT).

Open SourceCloudDesktop
Jun 24, 2019

Java on Visual Studio Code June Update

Xiaokai He
Xiaokai He

Welcome to the June update of Java on Visual Studio Code! Earlier this month, we shared our new Java Installer for Visual Studio Code, which aims to help new Java developers to get their environment ready and start coding in just a few clicks. In this update, we’d like to share a couple new features and enhancements delivered during last few wee...

Visual Studio Code
Feb 26, 2019

Dependency Autocompletion, Performance Improvements and More for Java on Visual Studio Code

Xiaokai He
Xiaokai He

Welcome to February update of Java on Visual Studio Code! We'd like to share a few new improvements to further enhance your productivity, including Try these new features by installing Java Extension Pack with Visual Studio Code. See below for more details! Managing your Maven Dependencies Easily Editing p...

Open SourceVisual Studio Code