Showing results for Desktop - Microsoft for Java Developers

Dec 15, 2021

Java on Visual Studio Code Update – November 2021

Nick Zhu
Nick Zhu

Hi everyone, welcome to the November edition of the Visual Studio Code Java update! In this end-of-year post, we are going to look at several new improvements related to fundamental Java development experience as well as our updates related to encoding issues. Inner-loop dev experience directly impacts developer's day-to-day productivity and thi...

JavaOpen SourceVisual Studio Code
Oct 29, 2019

AOT Compilation in HotSpot: Introduction

Ludovic Henry
Ludovic Henry

Introduce the AOT Compiler that was introduced in Java 9 with the addition of the jaotc command-line utility. Explore some of the tradeoffs it needs to take, how the generated code fits in the Tiered Compilation pipeline, go through a simple example, and take a look at some alternatives (JIT at Startup, JIT caching, and Distributed JIT).

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