One of the interesting developments in the last few years in the field of authentication is the use of authentication brokers. Authentication brokers help make your applications more secure and resilient by enabling developers to remove the need to handle refresh tokens, simplify the user authentication flow and remove any variability from it, and ...
April is here!
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The Identity SDK team just released a brand-new version of the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for .NET that introduces an improved experience for developers using authentication brokers to simplify how they acquire and use tokens in their applications.
To take advantage of the new broker functionality, developers will need to use the pac...
Our vision for the Microsoft identity platform is to create a thriving developer and app ecosystem that makes securing identities easy. In fact, over one million applications use our platform, performing over eight billion authentications per day. We combine this with the 65 trillion signals that Microsoft Security processes each day to help us ide...