September 5th, 2017

Announcing General Availability of Blob Storage (Hot/Cool) in US Gov Virginia

We are happy to announce the generally availability of Blob Storage accounts in US Gov Virginia. The feature is now enabled in three regions including the recently announced US Gov Arizona and US Gov Texas.

Blob storage accounts are specialized storage accounts for storing your unstructured data as blobs (objects) in Azure Storage. With Blob Storage accounts, you can choose between hot and cool storage tiers to store your less frequently accessed (cool) data at a lower storage cost, and store more frequently accessed (hot) data at a lower access cost. Customers can take advantage of the cost benefits of the cool storage tier for storing backup data, media content, scientific data, active archival data-and in general, any data that is less frequently accessed. For details on how to start using this feature, please see the getting-started documentation.

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