November 8th, 2017

Empower Federal Employees with Modern Technology

Karina Homme
Senior Director

In Gartner’s Top Seven Priorities for U.S. Federal CIOs, they maintain that revitalizing the IT workforce should be looked at as an opportunity for CIOs to improve the quality of employees their organization has.[1] One  way of doing this is by modernizing the workforce with new and innovative technology. CIOs can leverage updated technology as a way to retain current talent and allow them to refine, refresh, and grow their skill set, keeping them competitive with peers in other industries. Advanced technology will also attract new, innovative talent that allows agencies to push their mission forward.

Across the board, unregulated industries in the private sector are switching over to new tools and strategies to modernize their workforce. Federal CIOs can bring a new level of engagement to their teams by integrating new cloud-based platforms.  Making sure staff is working with the most cutting edge and ground-breaking tech will allow them to develop and sharpen their expertise and capabilities. Skill sets are constantly evolving. When employees are no longer refining theirs, or feel like growth is stagnant, they tend to become discouraged. Having a modernization strategy to migrate to new tech will allow CIOs to refocus the IT team and remain relevant.

As leaders in IT, federal CIOs have the responsibility of setting objectives and goals for the IT department. This means prioritizing the next steps to move the department forward, and making sure their teams are mission focused and able to achieve results. By migrating to the cloud with Microsoft Azure Government, CIOs can maximize available talent. With rapid growth in technology comes opportunities for CIOs to empower and maximize their workforce through new, cloud-based platforms.

To find out more on how CIOs can make revitalizing the workforce a priority, see Gartner’s Top Seven Priorities for U.S. Federal CIOs.

To explore Azure Government, request your free 90-day trial today. Or, check out purchasing options to get started now.

[1] Gartner. Top Seven Priorities for U.S. Federal CIOs.


Karina Homme
Senior Director

As senior director for Microsoft Azure Government, Karina is the federal market lead and liaison between the US Federal Ecosystem & Microsoft Azure Engineering. She works closely with a wide range of executive stakeholders to understand US government needs, remove cloud adoption blockers and ensure Microsoft’s Government Cloud roadmap meets agency missions. As an advocate for government, Karina supports cloud adoption in federal civilian agencies.


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