Jul 18, 2024 0 0 Announcing the stable release of Azure Event Grid Namespaces HTTP client libraries Ronnie Geraghty This post announces stable release of the HTTP Azure Event Grid Namespaces client libraries in .NET, Java, JavaScript, Python, and Go.
Apr 15, 2024 0 1 Multi-resource metrics query support in the Azure Monitor Query libraries Paul Van Eck Learn how to query metrics for multiple Azure resources at once using the Azure Monitor Query libraries.
Jul 25, 2023 0 0 Announcing the stable release of the Azure Files client library for Go Sourav Gupta Announcing the stable release of the Azure Files client library for Go, which allows users to manipulate files, directories, and shares in Azure Storage.
May 25, 2023 0 2 Announcing the stable release of the Azure Event Hubs client library for Go Richard Park Announcing the stable release of the Azure Event Hubs client library for Go
May 17, 2023 0 0 Announcing the stable release of the Azure Queue Storage client library for Go Tamer Sherif Announcing the stable release of the Azure Queue Storage client library for Go
Apr 18, 2023 0 0 Azure SDK Release (April 2023) Azure SDK Azure SDK releases every month. In this post, you find this month's highlights and release notes.
Mar 14, 2023 0 0 Azure SDK Release (March 2023) Azure SDK Azure SDK releases every month. In this post, you find this month's highlights and release notes.
Mar 8, 2023 0 0 Announcing the stable release of the Azure Blob Storage client library for Go Sandeep Sen Announcing the stable release of Azure Blob Storage client library for Go
Feb 14, 2023 0 1 Azure SDK Release (February 2023) Azure SDK The Azure SDKs release every month. This post includes the month's highlights and release notes.
Feb 9, 2023 0 2 Announcing the stable release of the Azure Monitor Query client module for Go Grace Wilcox This post announces the stable release of Azure Monitor Query for Go.